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Re-Imagining Your Body - the book

How do you relate to your body? Uneasily? Awkwardly? If so, this is the book for you. But it’s not aimed at changing your body. It’s aimed at changing the way you experience your body and, as a result, the way you think of it and even how you see it in the mirror! To achieve this, Re-Imagining Your Body offers you a progressive course of exercises. Not the strenuous ‘workout’ kind but playful exercises which will help you realize and release your full psychophysical potential. These exercises ask you to engage a 'spiritual muscle' (usually called your imagination) to bring you much more closely and deeply in touch with the rich reality of your embodied self. Not only that, but you can do all of them on your own. All you need is a little empty space.


The exercises in Re-Imagining Your Body have been derived from work in the performing arts. But the book isn't aimed at performers, though performers can certainly benefit from it. It's aimed at all those who are prepared to explore, to experiment, to think outside the box, to entertain unconventional thoughts – above all at anyone who wishes to discover their true psychophysical nature. After all, Western culture alienates all of us in deep and often barely noticed ways. As a result, most of us fail to live fully inside our bodies, struggling to 'live with' them instead. But if we could become more in tune with the huge potential of our 'subject-bodies,' maybe we would become more in tune with our fellow human beings as well – and with the planet that nutures us.



The author, Anthony Stevens, has been teaching theatre and drama for nearly four decades, as well as writing, deving and directing plays. But only recently did it click for him that the work he’s been doing with actors and would-be actors – work that explores the subtle interplay of body and mind – could have great interest and huge benefit for non-actors too. In fact for everybody! Hence this book!



Paperback price:

$11.99; £9.99. €11.50.

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Kindle e-book price:

$2.99. £2.50. €2.99

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To read extracts from the book, open the sub-pages from the menu or click these links:

From the Introduction

From Part One

From Part Two

From Part Three

The cover image shows a scene from An Evocation of the Apocalyse at the 10th Festival of Religious Music, Patmos, Greece, 2010. Music: Bruno Libert and Diane Sutherland. Vocals: Diane Sutherland. Design: Maria Pesma. Video: Giannis Nikolaou. Dancers: Giorgos Tsombanidis and Raphaela Petrai. Directed by Anthony Stevens. Photograph by Maria Pesma.

Published by SILENOS BOOKS

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