Being ‘inside’ ourselves
As a ‘self,’ where are you? 'Inside' yourself, presumably. Inside your “mortal frame” or body. But what does such ‘being inside’ really...
I am NOT my brain
In 2014, the neuroscientist Dick Swaab published a book with the title, We Are Our Brains. To my mind, that such a claim could be...
The architecture of the self 2
Here’s a second way in which the ‘self’ can be seen as both physical and external. (For the first, see here.) There’s an exercise for...
The actor's 'instrument'
The actor is exposed onstage and in a certain metaphorical sense ‘naked’. This may be part of the reason why so many books about acting...
The architecture of the self 1
You don’t stop – or start – at your skin. Your personal space, what Laban called your kinesphere, what I call your ‘psychological skin’ –...